23rd Infantry Division
United States Army
196th Infantry Brigade
Robert served as a - SSgt. - E6 - Army - Regular Enlisted Service.

He was 30 years old at the time of his death, He was married.

Robert was born on February 9, 1941. He was from Dallas, Texas.

His tour of duty in Vietnam began on January 13, 1971.

Robert served with the "A" Company, 26th Engineer Battalion, 
196th Infantry Brigade, 23rd Americal Division.

Robert died on September 28, 1971 in Quang Nam Province, 
Republic of South Vietnam.

Robert's death was a result of a non-hostile accident. His body was recovered.
Robert is buried at Ft Sam Houston Nat Cem, San Antonio,TX. His stone says Co A, 26 Engr Bn,
23 Inf Div.

Robert's religion was Protestant.

Robert's name is listed on Panel 2W --- Line 30
of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

"Rest In Peace Robert You Are Missed By All Who Knew You"
26th Engineer Battalion
Robert Wayne Wendt
"Click on the Unit logo to view that Unit's Website"

Robert Wayne Wendt served his Country and Flag with Courage and Bravery. 
His acts of Gallantry to his Men and Country earned him the following awards: 

National Defence Service Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnam Campaign Ribbon 
Good Conduct Medal
The Republic of Vietnam, Military Merit Medal
The Republic of Vietnam, Gallentry Cross with Palm 
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